Sprite Adjustments and Edits

As an artist, I can't look at some of the Vital Bracelet Sprites without cringing. Most are fine, but there's a handful that slipped through quality control or aren't to my personal tastes. Because of this I've decided to take the worst offenders and give them a touch up, or in some cases, a total make over.

In order to use these you need Mr Blinky's DiM tool and cfogrady's DiM Modifier. An .EXE version of the DiM Modifier is available on the Digitama Hatchery Discord if you're like me and don't know how to compile git files. I will not be sharing edited DiM files, you must procure and edit them yourself. Sorry!



Minor tweaks to the original Bandai sprites. Click on the Digimon Gif to access the spritesheet.

Bigmamemon EditGazimon EditComing soon!


A few sprites are so bad I decided to start from scratch. Click on the Digimon Gif to access the spritesheet.

Frigimon RedoComing soon!


Digimon likes beefing up their roster by making recolors, don't they? Click on the Digimon to access the spritesheet.
