Before You Start

This guide was made specifically for people who have trouble parsing the README file included in Cyanic's download, and have trouble with video tutorials.

In order to do any modding of the Vital Bracelet, you must have a basic understanding of how computer files work. Knowing how to move documents and using the file explorer will be most important. I will try to walk you through the process as thoroughly as I can.

If you work better with video instructions, Youtube user Xanaxdu has a guide here.

Hardware Needed

Sandisk Ultra Plus and Sandisk Extreme Micro SD cards still in packaging.In order to do any patch installations you must first obtain a Micro SD card. Most tutorials suggest the Samsung brand as it has less compatibility issues. I personally use the Sandisk Ultra PLUS and have had no problems, but I can not guarantee anything.

You will also need a way to transfer files onto the MicroSD. If your computer has a SD card reader you can use the converter included in your MicroSD's packaging. If not, USB Micro SD readers are available at most tech stores and online storefronts for 10-12 dollars USD.

Once you have the SD card and a way for your computer to read it, you're ready to go to the next step.