Okay so... this is something new I'm trying. I don't know how it's going to work or if I'm going to give up and just use Dreamwidth after a while but tada! Here's my first ever blog post. Will this be annoying? Maybe.
So this week has been pretty crappy, I haven't been able to get anything I've wanted done. No work on Nocti, no working on the pet portrait I'm supposed to do... I've been in auto-pilot mode. Doesn't help that my sleep schedule has been shit this last week either. I keep waking up at around 11ish and that sucks.
NOT looking forward to work tomorrow either. I have an almost 8 hour day and the day after that I have another one but early in the morning. I always worry about my body's response to 8 hour days and if it's just totally normal and fine and I should be working full time hours but I am not because I can use everything else wrong with me as an excuse.
anyways! Today I touched grass for the first time this week, and god I forgot how good it is to get out and just. Enjoy outside. Listen to the sound of footsteps on different materials (especially gravel, it's such a delicious sound), watch the caustics bounce off the underside of the bridge, get lost in birds chirping and over grown greenery that transports me to another world.
Poor Sangomon can only get to Stage 2 of Adventure Mode right now. Even with full Vitals they're just too baby. They're probably going to evolve when I'm at work tomorrow since I had to reset the evolution cycle last night. I was only at 4 trophies and I'd rather get Seadramon instead of Octmon. Sorry Octmon, nothin personal.
Scott is coming on Sunday and I can't fuckin wait. I miss him so much. I need my perception of time to speed up for the next two days.
I think this is an okay place to stop the first blog for now.