I did some work for Nocti today; I'm pretty close to finishing the ocean tileset. There's a few more large sprites to complete and three parallax maps to render, and then I can work on NPCs and adding events. I want to say I can do it before the end of October, but who knows anymore. I also don't know how much I'm going to be able to get done when the holidays roll around.
My store opened up the checkout registers again since the start of the pandemic, and I got to be stationed there for the past two days. Unlike every other coworker I have, I *like* being at the checkout. I no longer have anyone keeping track of how many protection plans are being added to items, I don't have to deal with customer's issues or trade ins and I don't have to beg anyone to help over head set thirty times a day. Next shift I'm back to customer service seemingly permanently, so it was nice while it lasted.
Our hours at work changed again too; I'm pretty sure we're the only one in the area that has such a wacky hourly schedule week to week. I was told by an assistant manager it's because no one has availability to close at eight, but I'm calling bullshit on that. This has corporate's putrid stench all over it.
In other, better news, I just downloaded the Sims 2 Ultimate Edition onto my computer! I played a little bit of it and hoo boy there sure is a lot to juggle in that game! I don't know how anyone is supposed to finish their aspirations while trying to make friends and get a job, in real life or the game. I need to go to bed but I'm knee deep in researching sims 2 CC to see if there's anything I want to download. Probably a new default skin and some hairs so I can make some original characters better. It's pretty amazing how well the sims 2 sims still hold up after all these years. Yeah the game obviously looks old, but it's way better looking than the Sims 3 imo.
Current Mood: IDK