Hey guess what???!!???

I broke my fucking toe!!!

And before that I had a glass lamp cover fall on my head! Fun times.

It started when I was trying to make dinner for my boyfriend and I and the fire alarm went off. I don't know why; there was no smoke coming off the food. I hadn't even started cooking yet. So I tried to get the smoke away from the fire alarm so it would stop going off by using a towel to blow it away. The towel hit the glass ceiling light cover and it fell off and clonked me right on top of my head. It hurt like a mother fucker, but thankfully there was no blood and I did not get a concussion or anything. Just a bruise. 

After dinner I was walking out of the bedroom to do something, I don't remember what, and my ring toe made direct contact with the solid metal lizard that my boyfriend uses as a door stopper. 

It's been two days since that happened and I've been spending most of my time either sleeping or watching youtube videos. I have an eight hour shift tomorrow, but if they can give me a chair I should be okay. The internet says I shouldn't be doing any physical activity for the first couple of days to a week but outside pressures are probably going to tell me to go back to work. "There's nothing you can do about a broken toe" which yeah, that's true, but I did just break my fucking toe. I would like to rest it some more. 

I don't know, my brain feels like mush. I don't have my glasses and I took my meds for the first time in three days. I don't want to think. I just want to sit around and mope.

Current Mood: Miserable!