So it turns out my toe is not broken. It's uh... I've forgotten the word for it but it's basically a big painful bruise and it should heal in a week and a half or so. I've still got to rest it and keep it wrapped but hopefully not for nearly as long as I thought I'd need to. 

My mom's friends stayed over for a long weekend and when they got home we found out they had gotten Covid. Everyone in the family has taken tests and we've all been negative so fingers crossed it stays that way. I've managed to not get Covid for the past two years I don't want to get it now.

Now onto the fun stuff: My boyfriend and I have preordered the Vital Bracelet BEs! I got clear white and he got the Digivice VV so we could also get the Imperialdramon BE memory. I don't care much for it because it seems similar to the trial Black Roar DiM but we'll probably use it anyway and maybe if a better one comes out we can sell this one for some money.

I also ordered some new strap retainers from erodbuilds on Etsy to match the bands of our bracelets. Got clear, bright red and emerald green since I also got myself the green replacement band for the BE. I would have loved to get the translucent yellow band but I have no desire to use the MHA BE Memory that comes with it. 

Tangentially related note, I've heard that MHA's getting close to finishing up and a few people I follow on twitter aren't too happy with some story choices. "The Bad Guy said Society is Bad but he did Bad Things so we can ignore it (even if it's true)" I have never read the manga or watched the anime, and I don't plan to, so take that with a grain of salt.

Back to Digimon, I'm also excited that two new BE Memory cards were announced. They're apparently Dragon themed and Beast themed, and we even get to vote on a few of the Digimon that show up on the cards. On the dragon card they already had a new form of Agumon (the 2006 version which sucks I HATE what they did to the nose!!!!!) but they they also added two other forms of Agumon onto the list of Digimon you could vote for!! Bitch we already have two different Agumon on the regular DiM cards, we do not need more fucking Agumon!!!!! Give me Kotemon bitch!!! 

The price of the new BE Memory card's is pretty annoying but I'm gonna fork over the cash for them anyway. I bet they're using the fact that there's no restriction on the number of Vital Bracelets that can use the new cards as an excuse to bump up the price to more than double the amount. Yeah we get seven extra Digimon but is it really that much more work that they had to charge us more and only give us one card per package?

Having a hurt foot has made it very hard to gain trophies to Digivolve my Mons. I'm stuck with Caturamon until I either load it with special missions from the app or have my foot get healed enough to do hard missions again. At least I should be all healed before I get my hands on the BE. 

I could talk more about the Vital Bracelet but I have work in the morning, so I'll have to leave more of my rambling for another journal entry. Good night!

Current Mood: Pretty Good!