I'm having one of those days again. The kind where I can't manage to get myself to do anything. I keep thinking of all the stuff I need to do and I feel the energy get sucked out of my body. It's been like this the past couple of days and I hate it! I hate it I hate it!!! I don't even know what the issue is. I'm assuming it's the start of seasonal affective disorder, but I feel weird using that term because I think everyone gets a little bit more depressed when the winter season starts. Especially retail workers. 

In an effort to combat this I'm currently sitting outside while typing this entry, trying to soak up as much sunlight as I can. I don't think it's the lack of vitamin D that makes me more sad since I'm not really an outdoorsy person anyway, but it must have something to do with it. Each year I tell myself I'm going to buy a sun lamp and each year I forget. I guess I just get too depressed to remember, lol. There's always the option of taking vitamin D pills as well... but the sun lamp sounds like a better solution. I need more light sources in my bedroom anyway. The way our house/condo/whatever you'd want to call it is set up we don't have all that many ceiling lights and my current setup doesn't cut it. Also I just hate adding more pills to my morning routine.

Elections happened a few days ago, and thankfully Dr. Oz lost the election. It was a way closer count than I would have liked (I think it was a .7 degree difference???) but I'll take it. Fuck that guy. There were a lot of blue flips this midterm as well, as well as some great laws/legislature passed. Four states actually abolished prison slavery, hot damn! Now we just have to wait for the other states to catch up. Imagine if we didn't have all the gerrymandering and voter suppression? We might actually be able to catch up with the rest of the world. A teensy bit. At least maybe we could actually start moving our democratic party towards actual progressiveness and not what everyone else calls centrism. 

It's still light out but the sun is behind the trees and it's getting a bit colder. I think it's a good time to go inside, so I'll leave this blog post here.

Current Mood: Melancholy