Happy new year! It's 2023, can you believe it? I kept meaning to write a journal entry earlier in the month of December, but laziness prevailed.
I've taken a break from Nocti because going on the computer makes my entire arm hurt. Even though I've set things up to be as ergonomic as possible there's something that's making it not ergonomic and it's causing me lots of pain. So I've devoted most of my energy to writing the story I talked about last journal. I've also decided that Nuxill get iPad because it will allow me to do digital art without having to drag my ass to the desk.
Writing is going well. I've gotten to 33 pages and uh...12,577 words, give or take. I've had to add a new scene to the story that has taken a bit of time to write, and I'll have to write another new scene soon enough which will also probably take me a bit. I would say that the page count of the story is still double the original, since at page 33 in the original story we were getting into the main character's sister learning about the con he and friend are trying to pull off to avoid triggering his PTSD. I know that sounds weird, but it'll make sense when you actually read it... if you ever get to read it. The story is a getting a lot more complex than it used to be, and there's a lot of great side characters that didn't exist in the first draft that I'm very fond of.
I could talk about what I want to do in the new year and what kind of resolutions I have but I know nothing I say will actually stick, so fuck it. Also it's almost 2 in the morning and I have a full shift tomorrow on my feet all day. I could also probably write 4000+ words about my new vital bracelet BE coming in the mail but again, I need sleep. I'll do it later.
It seems that Zonelets is having some issues. I've only now implemented the fix so we'll see how that goes.
Current Mood: Frustrated, but just a little.