WHOOF it's been a while, hasn't it... I've been busy with so many projects lately that I forget that I have a website blog/diary to take write in. A part of the problem for me is I feel like I have to make something well thought out and nicely written, a full article for people to peruse and walk away from with a new understanding of the world, when... bro this is a journal. A diary. Except it's public. I don't even think anyone reads these. It's just supposed to be for my own amusement.
I've got a commission I'm doing for a friend of mine, and while it's going well it's cutting into Nocti time. Unfortunately for my productivity I am a Dating Sim MC and can only do two or three actions a day. It... also doesn't help that one of my Sims just got married and is pregnant. Yes, I've fallen back into the Sims 3 hole! Somebody save me except not really because I'm having a great time.
Currently on generation two of the Williams family and while I'm not planning on doing a legacy challenge or anything (it's too late for that) I'm hoping to stick with them for a while. I'm planning to move the family into to a new house, but Nraas has made every empty house unavailable except for the one I set myself. My sims are slowly getting enough funds to move, but it's gonna be rough for a while.
I've got plans to make a part of this site dedicated to the family and the Mods I use. It probably won't have a lot of screenshots of my game because I always forget to take screenshots but also taking the files off my steamdeck and putting them onto the computer sounds like too much of a chore for my ADHD brain.
The best part of the aforementioned commission is that it's gotten me to draw with my tablet again, which I haven't done in months because I didn't want to draw while standing up?? Even though I don't mind doing it/actively enjoy standing while doing art??? I don't know how my fucking brain works. I don't have anything worth uploading to the website yet... but maybe I will soon? After the commission lol.
Oh god, I just looked at the dates, and this journal/diary/whatever is three days away from being a year old! That would be more impressive if I actually remembered to write posts. Considering I've all but completely cut out Twitter and I don't follow enough people on Tumblr to make the dashboard go fast I'm surprised I haven't kept up with this.
The ADHD is hitting me and now I'm thinking about work and I don't want to think about work don't let me get started on how I'm being forced to talk twice as much as I'm used to. I can type till the cows come home but talking and being social makes my brain tired. I'm not going to talk about it. One of my shrimps is berried. Get berried, idiot!!!!!
Current Mood: Running to the bathroom at record speeds