I have finally gotten into the groove of working on my background commission. Yay!! It's about... 33% finished rendering wise and I'm going to continue working on it as soon as I finish writing this journal entry. I still don't know what I'm doing but at least it's starting to look like something competent.
It's hard to believe it's already August. It means I have about 5 months to get everything done for Nocti's release. I really, REALLY don't want to push the release of new update back a year again. I think I'll go crazy if I don't get something out by at least January. Somehow, despite all odds, I have kept up my passion for this game. I'm sure I've said somewhere that I don't even know if anyone will like it or enjoy the final project but at this point I don't even care.
I wish I had this level of dedication to other projects. Writing will feel like the easiest thing in the world some days and others it feels like pulling teeth. The main roadblock is getting from the start to the end in a way that I feel personally satisfied by, and the longer I work on a project the more I want to change the plot to make it "better". But that's for the second draft!!! I can't let myself get sucked into the ouroboros of rewrites.
Hold on, this train of thought is on pause because I just found the "Remove JPEG Noise" filter in CSP and hot DAMN!!!
I got distracted by this and now it's 2:00pm and I should probably start working on the background now.
Current Mood: ADHD strikes again...