MY SHRIMP GAVE BIRTH YESTERDAY!!! I'm now the proud owner of at least 4 low grade cherry shrimplets. Here's hoping their path to becoming happy and healthy adults is an easy one. Never thought I'd be so excited to own small water bugs, but I keep looking over at the tank and smiling when I see their little translucent bodies on the glass.
Morticia makes it very hard to get work done on the computer. She's on the desk right now wiggling around and patting me for attention. I constanlty have my fingers hovering over the ctrl s keys in case she wiggles a little too close to the keyboard. Gomez does this too but he's less of a "wiggle around the desk" and more of a "walks directly on the keyboard" type of cat. At least he doesn't eat my papers. I should make a pet picture gallery for this website. I definitely have enough to warrant it. I can even get my boyfriend to take a few pictures of the shrimp. His phone camera is a lot better than mine.
Ugh, my shoulder is giving me issues today. Guess I can't go more than two days drawing without complications! I'll play Pikmin 4 with some hot and cold therapy and see if it gets better before I have to go to work. They have me scheduled to 9:30 tonight, which unless they're getting started for the holidays early doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Or maybe inventory is happening soon and they need extra cleaning done. Our inventory team has been doing a bang up job organizing stock but idk. Something tells me this was a mistake and we're going to end up getting out at 8:30. At least I hope so.
Current Mood: BABY SHRIMP HYPE!!!!!