I had written a journal entry about a week ago but was called away before I could finish it and promptly forgot it existed. Life is like that sometimes.
My cat Gomez passed away two weeks ago. I don't want to dwell on it, the experience was traumatic and thinking about it any more than I have to is painful. It hurts just typing these few sentences out. Morticia and Gollum are doing well at least.
Not having a job is starting to kick me in the ass as my bank account is dwindling. I wish I could have kept the money I saved for surgery but I'd rather be broke than hang onto these huge Tracts of Land I own, if you Catch My Drift. Bandai announced the Digimon Color Pendulum and I'd love to get one and a Digimon Color Vpet but that won't be happening anytime soon. There are a few commissions from friends on my plate but BEMemory cards come first and they're also expensive... and third party sites add on a hefty shipping bill. Augh...
I don't regret leaving my job. If things get dire I have some savings I could dip into. At least I have commissions. If it weren't for the super niche projects one circle of friends work on I'd be out of luck. That's what happens when you never try to build an audience and then quietly remove yourself from the only social media where people get steady flows of customers.
Besides money woes, things are going well. I have surgery scheduled for the 12th. There's a list of things I can't have before then, which includes onion, garlic and most pain medications. Longest two weeks of my fuckin life!!! I'm going to try to get some writing done during the recovery time, but I'm also loading up my steam deck with visual novels for when I can't be bothered. Still need to install the patch for Gore Screaming Show but some of the others work out of the box.
I have a mutation in my shrimp tank gentics. Two orange babies that are growing quickly! The tank's water temp dropped so I don't think I'll have to worry about more babies anytime soon, though I wouldn't mind a few more oranges before the tank hits full capacity.
Current Mood: Self Esteem meter is running low