A lot of things have happened since the last journal entry. Surgery went well and I'm almost at the stage where I can go back to everything I was doing beforehand. My boyfriend got me addicted to Neopets again, and I was able to access the one old account that hadn't been purged. RIP Watergleam123 and Watergleam1234 lol. My cats also got fleas, which we've taken care of for the most part, but since my boyfriend comes over all the time we need to do more work to make sure their place is also flea free.
There's also Terrible World Events going on. Israel bombing Hosptials and civilians in the name of "getting the terrorists". Gee, where have I heard that before? Of course, I've only just learned about them being funded by the good ol' U S of A. One day Palestine will be free, even if it's not in my lifetime.
I've been playing Solitaire nonstop on Neopets. I wanted to get the gold trophy and now that I have it I 'm still playing over and over. I'm almost at 69 wins... out of 1700+ games. My only complaint is it's html based and can take forever for a move to be recognized, and if you're not careful it'll skip a turn if you try to refresh the page. I don't know why Solitaire of all games has got my balls in such a tight grip but I'm addicted. In fact while writing this I got another win.
When I'm not obsessed with Neopets I'm still working on Nocti. Recently I had to transfer the entire game into a clean RPGMaker MV file. I bought a program to clean up the Switch and Variable system I created years ago but when I used it all of my maps got shuffled around??? The maps would have the same names and ID numbers, but they would be replaced with a random map from somwhere else in the game. I'm not sure how it happened, but it might have to do with it being built in an older version of MV, and using a "custom" main.js file that removed the mobile optimizations that made desktop mode slower. The program I got works great now, but doesn't convert common events for some reason. Thankfully I don't have a lot of them, and the ones I do are not switch/variable heavy.
I also finished the sprite rework of everyone in the Nexus area. As much as I bitch and moan to myself about doing animation I am having fun with it. But fuck side view sprites. Next game is isometric, I don't care if I have to learn Godot or Gamemaker to create it. I'm working on the Mountain area/Red Orb now, and I should have that done-ish by the end of the month? So I might actually meet my goal for releasing the next update in early 2024. Fingers crossed.
One last thing: dead waps have been showing up in our living room? I found five of them over the course of the last few days. I don't know where they're coming in from, and I never saw any living wasps flying around the room. Why are wasps coming into my house to die.
Current Mood: Slightly Overwhelmed