Happy Belated Birthday to Me!!! I have now experienced 33 years on the planet Earth, which I guess is exciting. Not a lot of people get to stay around for that long. I got some fun tchotchkes and some delicious Japanese chocolate. It's amazing how every country in the world except America has good basic chocolate. Hershey could never.
Seasonal depression is kicking my ass, and my boyfriend leaves for Scotland in two days. I don't know what I'm going to do without him for two whole weeks. We're insufferably inseparable. Before he moved we were long distance so it's not like I don't have experience with it, but I prefer being able to hold him in my arms. Him not being here might help me get more work done.
The cats are free from fleas as far as I can tell. Tish has been shaking her head and scratching her ears more than usual, so I wonder if she's got waxy ears like Gollum. I don't know if Gomez used to clean her ears for her like Gracie did for Gollum. Every once in a while I think about Gomez... he was such a sweet kitty. I miss his forhead bumps and his squeaky little meows. There are times in my life where I think to myself "I wish I could burn this into my memory", but it's never enough.
I feel more spaced out than usual, and I only realized now it's because I ran out of ADHD medication. Of course I had to run out during the weekend! If I miss more than a day a fog machine starts up in my head. I left a message to the psychiatrist's office on Saturday but I guess they didn't get it? So I'll call again tomorrow. ugh...
My favorite symptom of ADHD is feeling like you have a million tasks and not enough time. And those tasks are always things that take less than five minutes to complete.
I don't even want to look at the beginning of this journal entry. Usually I try to edit out filler words and run away thoughts but now I don't have the paitience for it. That's all for now then.
Current Mood: Spaced out