For the past three and a half-ish weeks I have been without ADHD medication. Can't say I recommend it.
I don't know what happened, just that my psychiatrist sent the prescription like normal and the store just... didn't get it? Was low because of the recent shortages? Somebody mistyped something? Whatever. It doesn't matter anymore. What matters is I can actually get up and do things again. Unfortunately that lost time means I'm behind schedule on Nocti yet again. Yipee! Whoohoo!
I guess if I were to finally hit a self imposed deadline the world would explode.
I'm ready to get back on the saddle now. Looking over the project it seems I was still implementing stuff for Shadow World, but it's all events I've wanted to be in the game for a LONG time and never got around to. And since I've gotten Good at pixel art it's easy to implement it quickly.
Man just looking at the project files is making me want to stop writing this and get back to work. So I'm gonna do that.
Current Mood: I'M BACK BABEY!!