My boyfriend wanted to go to his old Aquarium store today because it was closing, but the email that was sent out had the wrong date and they didn't send out a correction until we were well on the road. They closed on the 15, not the 16th! Whoopsies! -_-
Not wanting to have spent an hour driving for nothing, we decided to go to a nearby boardwalk and had a lovely day walking around. We got some fudge, saw some art, talked to a guy with a Moog synthesizer tshirt, and went to a really cool retro game store with a nicer selection than the one near our house. I got two PS2 games and a new PS4 controller. My PS4 wasn't connecting to my old one, so I thought something must be wrong with it. But after trying the new one it seems something must be wrong with the PS4 itself. Oh well, at least I can plug in my usb keyboard if I want to watch Blurays. Is it sad to say I use my 20+ year old console more often? I wish it hadn't lost the ability to play ps1 games. At least if I get a hankering to play one I can rip the disk to my computer and emulate it.
Boyfriend is currently addicted to some online Pokemon Rougelite. It looks like a lot of fun; it's well made and has implemented a lot of mechanics into the rougelike genre pretty seamlessly. Hope it doesn't get hit with a C&D too soon.
I'm getting tired. This journal entry isn't even going to be posted on the right day. I'm not changing the date.
Current Mood: Satisfied