Over the past week I've had three shrimp die in my tank. I suspect the reason is molt failure because there's a lot of loose molts all over the tank and the last dead shrimp I could see struggling. No white ring of death though. I added some wondershell to the tank and over the next couple of weeks I'm going to start dosing the tank with Hydrogen Peroxide. Wish I had known about that earlier, would have heled with the algae situation.

Also I have snails. I thought everything from BucePlant was snail free and I was a fool. Whatever, I don't want to completely redo my tank just because of a couple of snails. They'll help manage the algae anyway. Honestly I'm glad it was just snails. If I had scuds I'd be so fucking pissed. Ugh... don't want to jinx it.

I've also been having issues with my healthcare. It was cancelled, except it wasn't, but it is??? I have no idea what's happening, I've talked to two both of the groups that handle my healthcare and they both say different things. I was told I should reapply and it would get fixed but then I got a phonecall saying that I was already enrolled and they would have to cancel the application. I still haven't been approved, nor did I get a packet in the mail that I was apparently supposed to if my healthcare was going to expire. All I can say is:


It's not all doom and gloom though. I've gotten back into Homestar Runner and watched my Strong Bad Emails DVD with my boyfriend. He fell asleep during a chunk of them (he doesn't get enough sleep at night so I forgive him) but he enjoys it enough to make bad Strong Sad impressions in the car and get The Cheat is Not Dead stuck in his head. It's a delight to see him experience it for the first time. It's been years since I properly sat down and watched any of it, so I'm getting surprised too. It inspired me enough to make a small Homestar Runner shrine. I had so much fun figuring out the layout and making things mobile friendly. If it wasn't obvious, I love using shrines to try out different layouts. I guess I could make every webpage of mine a different layout, but I like the cohesion I have now.

There's a few layouts on Eggramen that are really calling to me. I want to use them for something but idk what. It's sooo tempting to use the Tall Sidebar with Image layout for a blog but I'm already using Zonelets for several years and I don't know enough JavaScript or PHP to make it work how I'd want. The third skin for Busy Generic also calls to me. Maybe I'll use them as a base for shrines in the future? Man, I gotta think up some new shrine ideas I guess.

Ooh, maybe I could make fake journals for some OCs? I don't know which ones I would use it for, except maybe the new ones I have bouncing around in my head. I need to start getting that stuff on paper. It's so easy to keep things in my head, where they're always nebulous and therefore perfect. Like how your brain consolidates the sketch lines of a picture to make it look better than the finished piece. Getting rid of the perfectionist in my brain is a lifelong struggle.

And uhhhh Nocti Update: I still have to do NPCs for the boardwalk, but I think I can get the majority of them done in the next couple of days. The Beach/Ocean/Blue Orb area should be Finished by the end of July, and then it's just a matter of porting over the Red Orb event and bug testing it. THEN I CAN FINALLY START BUG TESTING THE WHOLE THING AND WORK ON PORTRAITS!!! And more cutscenes I guess. Ugghhh the eventing for cutscenes is so tedious, but at least I have solid ideas for the types of cutscenes I want to write for the update. The curry storyline will continue at the very least, and it will introduce new bits of captial L LORE for people to never find because that's just the kind of game I'm making I guess. Oh well, maybe a few years after Nocti is finished someone will find/play it and it'll get popular like what happened to Fear and Hunger. Ha! As if. I'm okay with never making money from my games. It would be nice, but I wouldn't be working on a story heavy exploration game with easily missable content if I wanted to make those fancy Indie Dev bucks.

My C key is acting up and I'm getting tired of it so I guess this is a good time to cut things short.

Current Mood: In ~love~ with my boyfriend