Every day I get older is a new day to have something go wrong with my body. This time it's acid reflux. I've been having Problems since I got home from vacation and it's putting a cramp in my "mindlessly stuff my face in an ADD-induced stimulation deficiency trance at 3 in the morning" style. Meals have lost a lot of enjoyment while I try to figure out what my stomach's limits are. It's a lot less than I previously thought. When I told myself I should be more mindful of what I eat I wasn't thinking of this. At least it's not as bad as it was at the start. Hopefully in two weeks I'll have completely forgotten about it.
Nocti work has been a little sporadic this week, due to the acid reflux and having to schlep from doctor to doctor because past me decided to schedule all of my appointments in the same week. I'm working on the "dream field" area, and I know people are going to make Homestuck comparisons but I swear it's totally different. I'm done with about six pieces of the area, but I think I'd like to shoot for nine or ten for the next release. The maps are small so it's easy to get them done pretty quick. This area is really just me dicking around with random ideas and aesthetics that wouldn't fit anywhere else in the game, so it's basically the most Yume Nikki part of this Yume Nikki Fan Game.
The list of things I need to do for the next release of Nocti is getting smaller and smaller every day. It's still a pretty big list but I know it's coming and it's giving me all sorts of motivation. I'm gonna do it!
Current Mood: Sleepy