I'm a little late to the celebration, but my website hit 100k views!! Wow! I never thought I'd have so many eyes on this thing. Granted, it has taken 2ish years to get to this point, but it's a milestone nonetheless.
The story project with my BF is still going strong. We got a fancy Kokuyo binder and some plastic sleeves from JetPens to put all the loose paper in, and we've already needed to buy more inserts because we ran out of room lol. It's so nice having them assembled in an easy to flip through fashion; much easier than the loose pile. I like to go through it and admire our work. Our sexy, sexy work. I don't think any of these doodles will make it onto a website but I'd like to make "cleaned up" versions and post them somewhere. I've actually even made a new site for it. I don't think I'll ever put the link here but when it has some actual content I'll mention the name of the story and you should be able to find it very easily from there (considering it is also a neocities site). We also started making our characters in the Sims 4 and that's been a wild ride. Led to some... funny moments. Hot tip, turn the volume on CAS down when you're making out with your significant other. Trust me. So far we only have 4 characters in but we've been adding a new one each day and it keeps getting more and more chaotic. It's already inspired one comic idea, I can't wait to see what happens.
I also finished the first version of the scene document of Carrier, but it's really rough. Like... climax of the story shat out at 3 AM in near chatspeak levels of abbreviations. But first draft worst draft, so hopefully I can cobble together something coherent from this steaming pile of word vomit. Next step is to write down everything I need to keep track of in the story and make sure that those plot points are interwoven in a way that feels natural. Right now it's reading like Dan Olson's breakdown of Fifty Shades Darker (timestamped). And another timestamped clip from that same video of how I feel now that I have to fix everything LOL. I still think the first 3rd or 4th of the story is pretty solid, but that's because I've spent the most time writing and rewriting it.
Highly recommend hashing out your story really fast, even if it sucks and you hate it, because it's so much easier to fix something bad than make it good on the first try. Something you hear all the time but don't appreciate until you actually do it.
Nocti work is going well as always. I finished large chunks of Maiden dialogue yesterday, and now I need to start putting them in locations. And keep track of where they are at what points of the story. May God have mercy on my soul. My wrist is a little sore, so I might focus on getting more portrait sketches done today. Idk. As long as something is getting done I'm happy. Doing art means I get to listen to music and that means playing Jhariah's new album TRUST CEREMONY on repeat for 10 hours. It's a fuckin MASTERPIECE of an album. I need people to commission him for their anime/game openings or something. Please please please!!!!! He's a perfect fucking fit. He's like... English Hachi. Like. Seriously. The fact that RISK, RISK, RISK! doesn't have over a million views is a literal crime. Maybe I'll become rich and famous from Nocti and be able to get him to make a cool ass intro for Carrier LOL...
Lots of links in this one. Click them. Enjoy them. Buy TRUST CEREMONY on bandcamp. You know you wanna.
Current Mood: *Patrick Star Voice* WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!?