Hrrrgghhhh I'm fully OC-pilled right now. I'm drawing an 8 page comic for the first time since Senior year of college. I've finished the sketches for two pages so far and if it wasn't so late I'd start on the third.
It's kinda funny how obsessed I am with a bunch of characters originally made because we needed extras for some other OCs horny scenarios. They are my children. Even the one that's two decades older than me. He's my favorite. Oohh, Tomas Caraoso~
I also kind of went off the rails on a picture of the two main characters and it's probably some of the best art I've ever done? Aaand I can't post it here because it's already on the other website and I don't dare cross contaminate sexy and non sexy stuff. Okay well... maybe... no, I can't. I wanna shove these guys in everyone's faces but SIGH... people I know irl seeing my horny art is not something I want to experience.
The second draft of Carrier's scene document has also been completed, though I'm letting it sit for a few days before I look at it again. It's surreal to have figured everything out with a clear through line from beginning to end. I can't say I've ever done it before. As a chronic procrastinator/perfectionist it feels epic and cool to have gotten this far even if it's just the bare bones outline. I have no idea how long the script will end up being since I'm not 100% sure how I'm going to approach the prose, but if it's anything like the original it'll be over 60k words. Still crazy to think I wrote a NaNoWriMo length story in like... two weeks. Also RIP NaNoWriMo.
This burst of creativity and productivity is definitely due to me cutting social media out of my daily routine. I miss Tumblr a bit (mostly for the Otasune) and I go on once in a while, but being on it every day was making me miserable. Would Tumblr obsessed Nuxill have written out the second draft of a story outline, made a kickass picture of two ocs being cute, AND started an 8 page comic??? I don't think so.
Last thing, but please pray for me to get off my ass and download the NonPlatonic Forms demo. It's super duper up my alley and I can't get myself to hit the damn download button. Just reading the comics on the itch page makes me salivate. It's making me
Maybe writing this in my journal will convince me to download it sometime this week.
More trans Denpa please. Especially trans guy Denpa. Especially trans guy Denpa featuring main characters that are fat and hairy.
Current Mood: Oohh Tomas Caraoso~~~~