Happy New Year! Time for a new blog post I guess!
I haven't been updating this website as much as I'd like because of all the work I've been putting into my other project (which you can find a link to a few journal entries back *cough*) which hasn't left me with time to do art of other OCs.
I also haven't put any more work into Nocti, and honestly... I feel ??? about it. I need to figure out how to convince my brain that I do have enough time to get things done during the day, but even when medicated it's hard to convince myself that 5 hours of free time is more than enough. Watching game dev videos of people working eight hours a day every day on their projects doesn't help either...
Discipline is something I've always struggled with. Not to get too armchair psychologist-y with it, but I always had a safety net to save me from my failures, so I never had to force myself to learn how to deal with my issues. It's hard to say where that ends and struggles with ADHD begin.
I've written out a few New Year's resolutions in my journal. Mostly open ended stuff, with the exception of finishing a few video games. I'd like to eventually write "articles" on some of the games I've played to make the favorites section more interesting, but I don't have faith in my ability to write good opinion pieces. Do you know how long I spent trying to write paragraphs for the webcomics section? How many times I wrote and rewrote my words, only to throw them out because I was convinced it was a bunch of grandiose, flowery trash?
Of course aftwerwards I'll see reviews that touch upon the same exact talking points I cut out... And I realize it wasn't stupid at all.
Please have more confidence in your writing than I do in mine.
Current Mood: Overwhelmed