Vital Bracelet Modding

Installing the Mod

Once you download the mod, you should unzip the folder and open it up. Inside are a few files that might look confusing at first, but we are going to walk through it all.

image of files included in the VB Rollup mod folder

Next, you will need to go to Bandai's page for the official patch. It's in Japanese, but don't fret. All you need to do is click two buttons.

A block of Japanese text that shows the TOS for the software download and a button to click to agree to it.
A button to download the patch with a VBBE on each side. It is circled in red.

A file called "VBBE_(VERSIONNUMBER)*.vb2" will be downloaded. This has important information in it that the rollup mod will tweak to add the new features we want. You will need to drag this file into the folder you just unzipped and then double click (or right click and select Open) on the"patch.cmd" file. The file will replace the patch with the rollup mod code.

Only do this once! Running the cmd several times will make the file unusable and require you to download another copy of the official patch.

This guide has been written under the assumption that the official patch is not downloaded on your vital bracelet yet. If it has, there is an extra step that must be completed before the mod can be installed.

Have you installed a version of the patch onto your VBBE yet?

*(VERSIONNUMBER) is a stand-in for the current version of the firmware, as it is updated periodically. At the time of this guide, it is Ver.2.0.A.