Vital Bracelet Modding

I don't have the patch

That's great! That means you have one less step to do.

If you haven't inserted your Micro SD card into the computer, do that now. Then take the VBBE_(VERSIONNUMBER)*.vb2 file that was modified and drag it into the the Micro SD card drive. It does not matter if you have any other files in the Micro SD card, as long as everything except the VBBE file is kept in a folder.

The opened folder of the Micro SD card that will be used. The name of the folder in the location bar and the VBBE_10B.vb2 file in the folder are underlined in red.

*(VERSIONNUMBER) is a stand-in for the current version of the firmware, as it is updated periodically. At the time of this guide, it is Ver.2.0.A.