Best of the Best
With such a huge catalogue of cartoons on the HSR site, I couldn't possibly list every single one of my favorites. I can at least tell you about some of them.
It's been a hot minute since I watched a lot of these so this page will be updated sporadically
Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon

This was the newest Big Toon on the site when I first discovered it. For a long time I considered this
the quintessential first time viewing experience. It might be the first big toon to have everyone's "modern" characterizations and voices.
Baklava anyone?
Watch it on the site
View the Wiki Page
DNA Evidence

I remember being
so hype when this came out. Everyone was hoping the DNA Evidence running gag would lead to something big. I'm always down for a Strong Sad centric toon, and the twist is pretty funny. "Mountain Dwah" is one of those vocabulary changing type words that's been stuck in my head for years.
Watch it on the site
View the Wiki Page
Coming soon?
Everything Else
Coming soon? ...Two?